Creating Healthy Communities Principles
Sustainable and Equitable Investments: CHC invests in policies, projects, places, and people to create and sustain equitable, inclusive opportunities for healthy eating and active living.
Self-Awareness and Empathy: Everyone involved in CHC prepares to engage in the work by strengthening self-awareness and empathy.
Community-Led Solutions: Community members experiencing health inequities or social marginalization partner with CHC to amplify their collective power and lead solutions for their community.
Organizational Partnership: Organizations partner with CHC to align with and direct resources toward community members’ vision and priorities.
Coordinator Responsibility: CHC Coordinators approach their relationship and the work with humility, transparency, dependability, and respect for others.

Creating Healthy Communities Success Stories
Learn how we’ve increased access to food through the WIC program at the new Center Street Market. Read our success story here!
Marion County Active Transportation Plan
Learn about identified transportation projects in Marion County – click here!
Food Access Action Plan
Learn more about strategies and activities our Food Access Action Team has identified to increase our local food system to a more accessible and equitable one! Read the plan here!